Route: LaSamariaWaterfall
Route information
Arrival at the place of accommodation according to the choice
We will start the route through the San Rafael-Guatapé road, that is a primary road with a moderate vehicles flow. During the tour there will be a hydration stop in “La Araña” sector. The route has a medium level ascent. Along the route you can enjoy beautiful landscapes such as the Guatapé river canyon. Upon arrival at the destination we will enter, through an eight-minute walk to “La Samaria” waterfall. After leaving the waterfall we will have lunch, later we will return to San Rafael´s main square and from there we will go to the resting place and take free the afternoon.
We will participate in a ludic activity. We return to our resting places to prepare for the route the next day.
We will start the route on the Arenal way, a secondary road that connects the most representative baths of the municipality. After approximately 2 km we will turn off along the path that runs along the riverbank. We will make a hydration stop, we will visit the Zafra reserve, then we will go to the crystalline farm where we have lunch (optional menu). Finally, we go to our place of accommodation to take the suitcases and thus end the route.