


ortopedski čevlji z kapico
handschoenen tijgerprint
my carry bag myomy
električni sušilec za perilo
koiran portaat


maybe one of the most common birds in colombia that can be seen. Its name Tyrannus derives from Latin and means tyrant, despot referring to the aggressive behavior of birds of this genus and melancholicus means melancholy, in a bad mood and character


It measures about 22cm and weighs 40g. It has a gray head with a blackish mask, it has a hidden orange patch on the crown which is smaller in females. Its back is grayish olive, its wings and tail are slightly forked blackish-brown, its throat is pale gray, its underparts are yellow with a heavy olive wash on its chest. The beak and legs are black.

The young have a greyish head with a black mask across the eyes not so marked. The bill is yellow at the base and darkens towards the apex, which is black. The scapulars and wingbars are brown with cream edges and the primaries and secondaries are brown with whitish edges. The throat is white and the chest does not have the olive-green wash of the adult. The lower ventral parts are pale yellow. The tail is brown and short, which lengthens as they become adults.


It is distributed from the extreme southwestern United States to northeastern Brazil and central Argentina. In Colombia it is found in almost the entire national territory from sea level to the top of the mountain ranges. Resident throughout much of its range, but populations further north and south are migratory, wintering closer to the equator. The southern populations remain in the Colombian Amazon between May and September.


It lives in open or semi-open terrain with scattered trees, also in residential areas and in clearings and riverbanks in jungle areas.


It has various foraging strategies which give it access to a wide range of arthropods, small fruits, and occasionally small vertebrates. It feeds mainly on insects such as Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Isoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Odonates. The fruits that it consumes are of different species depending on the region where they are found.


The reproductive period extends from May to October. Both sexes participate in the construction of the nest, but the male has less participation. The nest is a shallow fragile cup, usually located between 5 and 15 meters on the trees.


It has stable territories of 4 to 9 km2 that it occupies in pairs throughout the year, which is used to feed, mate, reproduce and feed the young. It defends the territory aggressively, especially during the breeding season. Perches conspicuous on treetops, fences, and other exposed perches, usually low to medium height. Follows insects at almost any height and forages alone. Captures most of its prey in the air with agile maneuvers, especially with circular flights returning to the perch.

Conservation status

It is classified as a species of least concern

Vocalization/ Song



https: //www.icesi.edu.co

http: //avibase.bsc-eoc.org

https: //birdscolombia.com