Colombia has the world’s biggest list of birds, 1950 species which 145 are hummingbirds, 141 tanagers and many trogons, chlorophonias, parrots, orioles, toucans and other special birds to photographing; in addiction, Colombia has 80 endemics and 135 nearly endemics. A birding tour in this country is outstanding. This program is made to reveal a real photographing experience.
Just one hour from the Colombia’s capital and 3,000 m.a.s.l (Cold weather) is La Calera and there, the Hummingbirds Observatory with more than 15 species which constantly visit the feeders, some of them are near endemics such as Coppery-bellied Puffleg and Blue-throated Starfrontlet, other interesting are Sword-billed Hummingbird, Gorgeted Woodstar, Glowing Puffleg, Black and Green-tailed Hummingbirds, Sparkling Violetear among others, some tanagers and finchs are every time nearly to the farm and we have many chances for some pictures of them. On the third day at the morning, we will take a flight to Cali. Overnight at Lolita Farm ( 60 minutes from the airport. Lodge in Bogotá is Hotel de la Opera (
On western Andes at 2.000 m.a.s.l. (cold weather) and just 30 minutes from de Lolita Farm, with more than 20 hummingbird’s species and the amazing endemic Multicoloured Tanager, we start exploring the other side of Colombia at Finca Alejandría, we will spend our time for the Blue-headed Sapphire, Brown Violetear, Booted Racket-Tail, Andean Emerald, Purple-throated Woodstar, Steely-vented Hummingbird, Long-tailed Sylph, other birds like Red-headed Barbet, Saffron-crowned, Flame-rumped, Golden and Golden-naped Tanagers.
On the old way to Buenaventura (Important city beside the pacific ocean), we will visit the Alto Anchicayá in the Doña Dora house, we will spend two days for the special Toucan Barbet, Black Solitaire, Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, Rufous-throated Tanager, Green Honeycreeper, Thick-billed Euphonia, White-lined Tanger, Tricolor Brush-Finch, Silver-throated Tanager, Lemon-rumped Tanager and many others. On the six-day afternoon, we will drive two hours to Buga and overnight at Guadalajara Hotel. ( the five days, the lodge will be El Campanario in Queremal near to Anchicayá, basic lodge but clean.
Montezuma is in the Choco region, one of the most diverse regions on the world, we will stay on the mountain base at Montezuma Rainforest Lodge where feeders are full of Hummingbirds at any time of the day, the time here is for Purple-bibbet Whitetip, Velvet-purple Coronet, Violet-tailed Sylph, Empress Brillant, Green-crowbed Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Blue-tailed Emerald, Buff-tailed Coronet, White-necked Jacobin and others. Last day we will drive to Manizales, Overnight at Romelia Farm ( (1.000 m.a.s.l. warm weather)
Finca Romelia is a nice place for tanagers and hummingbirds, several feeders in good light conditions, friendly family, excellent food and nice views of the Coffee región, we will spend two days for Steely-vented Hummingbird, Western Emerald, White-necked Jacobin, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, White-vented Plummeleteer, Green, Rufous-breasted and Striped throated Hermits, Black-throated Mango, Clay-coloured Thrush, Andean Motmot, Thick-billed Euphonia, Crimson-rumped Tanager, Colombian Chachalaca and others.
At 3,400 m.a.s.l. (Cold weather) is located the Hotel Termales del Ruiz, here you can Birding and take a healthful bath thermal, feeders here are great, we spend our time for Black-tighed and Golden-breasted Pufflegs, Shining Sunbeam, Viridian and Tyrian Metaltails, Great Sapphirewing, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Collared Inca, Mountain Velvetbrest and the amazing Rainbow-bearded Thornbill. Endemic Buffy Helmetcrest is possible up just 10 km from Termales Hotel, you can spend a morning for it cute hummingbird.
Río Blanco is just two hours from Termales del Ruiz, this reserve is located three kilometers from Manizales city, is the perfect place for Andean hummingbirds, tanagers and almost 4 Antpitta species, we will be there for Long-tailed Sylph, Speckled Hummingbird, Lesser and Sparkling violetears, Collared and Bronzi Incas, Buff-tailed Coronet, Wedge-billed Hummingbird, Brown-banded Antpitta (endemic) Slate-crowned Antpitta, Bicolored Antpitta (near-endemic) Chestnut-crowned and Chestnut-naped Antpittas, Buff-breasted and Blue-winged Mountain Tanagers, Masked and White-sided Flowerpierces, Blue-capped and White-capped Tanagers, Slaty, White-naped and Grey-browed Brush Finchs and Green and black Fruiteater. The last day transfer to the Matecaña Airport in Pereira city (Two hours from Río Blanco) then, an international flight.