It is a species of passerine bird belonging to the numerous genus Grallaria of the family Grallariidae, previously included in Formicariidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
It is a species of passerine bird belonging to the numerous genus Grallaria of the family Grallariidae, previously included in Formicariidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
The Multicolored Tanager is a small-sized passerine bird approximately 12 cm (5 in.) long. Males have a yellow crown, face, mantle, and throat; chestnut and black ear coverts; bright green nape and wings; blue rump, breast, and belly; and a black patch in the center of the underparts. Females are duller and lack the yellow mantle and black patch on the underparts. Immature birds of both sexes resemble females, but are duller.
Close observation showed that the Santa Marta parakeet’s diet correlated with vegetation abundance, which suggests that it exhibits ecological flexibility. Its foraging strategies, which change depending on vegetation, rely highly on group cohesion and altering between food sources
It is found on the edges of tropical and humid subtropical forests, very common in Santa Marta, with a medium dependence on forests. It has a strong relationship with plantations and with rural gardens.
In Colombia it is the most common bird of prey. It lives in dry and humid forests in secondary growth, savannahs with gallery forests, stubbles and open areas with scattered trees. Throughout its range, it is very common in tropical and subtropical lowland habitats, except in primary forests, deserts and plains.
It is usually a solitary hummingbird in medium-high stratum. It perches with its bill pointing upwards. flutter when drinking, keeping the bill vertically upwards. Prefers spp. of Passiflora and Datura, which he visits following his regular routes. Occasionally he is seen catching insects in the air.
Between 2100-3800m (usually above 2900m). At the northern end of the Cordillera Occidental, in the Páramo de Frontino; and on both sides of the Cordillera Central from the north of Tolima (Nevado del Ruiz) and in the south to Cauca. In the Andes of Nariño (Primolinus). In Colombia to the south by the Andes to the south of Ecuador.
Up to 1200m. This bird is found in the south of the Pacific Coast up to the high Anchicayá, in the north of the Andes up to the lower Valle del Cauca, in the middle valley of the Magdalena, in the Atlantic east to Santa Marta and west of the Guajira and in the east of the Andes, Serrania de la Macarena, Western Caquetá, Orinoco River, Vichada, Vaupés and Amazonas. It is also found in eastern Mexico, western Ecuador, northern Argentina and southern Brazil.
Black- thighed puffleg are active, territorial hummingbird that primarily feed on nectar from low flowers.
It is found in wet and very wet humid forests. It can be found in forest edges and in secondary forest, usually in the treetops.