Los Turistas

To protect people’s welfare and wildlife, we must develop a system that provides adequate financial support to poorer countries for conserving the biodiversity that benefits us all. Such a system is long overdue, for although the benefits of biodiversity and natural areas are universal, the costs of protection are high and disproportionally borne by the poor communities living with wildlife.

Up to 1200m. This bird is found in the south of the Pacific Coast up to the high Anchicayá, in the north of the Andes up to the lower Valle del Cauca, in the middle valley of the Magdalena, in the Atlantic east to Santa Marta and west of the Guajira and in the east of the Andes, Serrania de la Macarena, Western Caquetá, Orinoco River, Vichada, Vaupés and Amazonas. It is also found in eastern Mexico, western Ecuador, northern Argentina and southern Brazil.

-Pasaportes de inmunidad. Si un pasajero puede documentar que estuvo infectado con COVID-19 y que se recuperó, podría ser eximido de algunas medidas de protección. Sin embargo, la IATA señala que esto dependerá de que la ciencia obtenga resultados concluyentes respecto de la inmunidad generada tras el contagio de COVID-19.

A fairly and distinctly two-side family: Colorful and not. Bills are pointy and fairly short but vary in length from species to species. Many in the group are gifted vocalists. In migration, winter, and the breeding season, highly gregarious, many species form flocks, some large.

They have a white line, which starts from the bill and extends below the eye and down the side of the neck. Black and white striped throat, black chest and black and suede barred abdomen. The females, these plumage features are black. The bill is typically black in both sexes, though pale-billed individuals regularly are seen.

It is measures around 18 centimeters, with an average weight of 41 gr. The male has a blue crown and nape; black cheeks with a small yellow spot under the eye; dark blue greyish back; golden yellow underside and black thighs.