
The food of this species is nectar, taken from a wide variety of flowers, and some small insects. Ruby-topaz hummingbird males perch conspicuously and defend their territories aggressively. The call of this species is a high-pitched tsip.

The long-tailed sylph feeds on nectar (as of many other hummingbirds), insects, and, at times, small spiders. Flowers with higher sugar content are often preferred. They can be seen at hummingbird feeders, as well. A long-tailed sylph can lick nectar up to 13 times per second!

The approximate size of these bird is 18 cm.

Violet-tailed Sylph is a bird which belongs to the family of Trochilidae and the order of Apodiformes.

It is a very showy hummingbird because of its long iridescent violet tail.  It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.

It is usually a solitary hummingbird in medium-high stratum. It perches with its bill pointing upwards. flutter when drinking, keeping the bill vertically upwards. Prefers spp. of Passiflora and Datura, which he visits following his regular routes. Occasionally he is seen catching insects in the air.

Between 2100-3800m (usually above 2900m). At the northern end of the Cordillera Occidental, in the Páramo de Frontino; and on both sides of the Cordillera Central from the north of Tolima (Nevado del Ruiz) and in the south to Cauca. In the Andes of Nariño (Primolinus). In Colombia to the south by the Andes to the south of Ecuador.