
It all began when on March 19th when I was birding in the pacific slopes from the western Andes close to Cali with a good friend and an amazing naturalist from Turkey named Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu. We were at the end of an incredibly successful tour through Colombian Choco bioregion close to Cali Colombia, where I live.

To protect people’s welfare and wildlife, we must develop a system that provides adequate financial support to poorer countries for conserving the biodiversity that benefits us all. Such a system is long overdue, for although the benefits of biodiversity and natural areas are universal, the costs of protection are high and disproportionally borne by the poor communities living with wildlife.

-Pasaportes de inmunidad. Si un pasajero puede documentar que estuvo infectado con COVID-19 y que se recuperó, podría ser eximido de algunas medidas de protección. Sin embargo, la IATA señala que esto dependerá de que la ciencia obtenga resultados concluyentes respecto de la inmunidad generada tras el contagio de COVID-19.

“This is a challenging time, and we hope you will persevere through it. Our encouragement, empathy, and support are with you. Let’s use this time to re-emerge and make tourism a better, more sustainable industry than it was before,” said Stowell, when asked what message he’d like to share with businesses and industry members at this time of need.