
It is endemic to the interior of wet montane forests of the Occidental and Central Cordillera of Colombia. Mainly from 1300 to 2200 meters above sea level; however, some records indicate it can be found as low as 900 meters, especially in the Department of Cauca.

In Colombia it is up to 1000 m high above sea level from Valley of the Sinú River to the east to the western base of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the west of the Guajira.Also to the south until the high valley of the river Cauca and the valley of Magdalena until the northwest of Santander. East of the Andes from Arauca to the west of Caquetá and Vaupés.

It is found Colombia between 2200 and 4000m, in the Eastern Cordillera from the Northeast of Santander to Cundinamarca, in the Central Cordillera from Caldas to Nariño and header of Magdalena Valley in Huila. It is also found in northern Peru.

Según las previsiones de Deloitte, los viajes de primera necesidad comenzarán a repuntar, aunque de forma muy tímida, en el mes de junio. Para el despegue del Turismo doméstico, que se ha convertido en la gran esperanza de los hoteleros, habrá que esperar a la recta final de la temporada estival. La consultora cree que en agosto habrá ya actividad y que en septiembre la reactivación será más vigorosa.