Previously classified in the genus Columba. It is one of the species of the largest family in Colombia. Its name Patagioenas comes from the Greek roots patageo = noise and oinas = dove. The epithet fasciata derives from the Latin fascia = band.

ortopedski čevlji z kapico
handschoenen tijgerprint
my carry bag myomy
električni sušilec za perilo
koiran portaat


The male measures about 34 to 40 cm and weighs 270 to 460 g. The female measures about 33 to 39 cm and weighs 226 to 424 g. It has pale yellow to dark brown irises, pink to lilac eye ring, red eyelids, yellow beak with black, and yellow legs. It is mainly brownish-gray in color with a purple head, a white band on the nape, a metallic bronze-green luster on the upper back, a bluish-gray tail and half an ash-gray with a central opaque black band.


It is found in eastern Canada and the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, north-central Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, western Panama, north and south of Venezuela, Colombia, northwestern Brazil, Andes of Ecuador, Peru and central Bolivia


It lives mainly in the humid montane forest canopy where it commonly uses hills and steep slopes. Also use clearings with scattered large trees.


Feeds on acorns, small fruits, flowers and leaf shoots


Its nest is a fragile platform built with sticks in which it lays 1 or 2 cream-white eggs whose incubation period is 19 to 20 days. They acquire all the plumage necessary to fly from the 20th to the 28th day after hatching


It makes seasonal altitudinal migrations. It is a harsh species of arboreal habits that is commonly found perched in the treetops or in fast-flying flocks.


Some authors consider that Patagioenas fasciata, P. auracana and P. caribaea form a superspecies. The group of Albilinea subspecies of Central and South America is considered by some authors as a distinct species due to differences in plumage coloration.

Conservation status

At the national and international level, it is classified as a species of least concern

Vocalization/ Song



https: //www.icesi.edu.co

http: //avibase.bsc-eoc.org

https: //birdscolombia.com